The Green Sock Movement
Be a #GreenSockMovement Hero
Do your bit for nature whilst wearing green socks!
An international, one planet #greensockmovement is being launched by BHASSEXPLORE as a trend for people to share their environmental good deeds. Deeds completed by good people who, with positive energy, gave their time, labour and skills freely for the environment. This can be anywhere on this world, whilst wearing green socks.... (or at least one green sock).
WarmNorm of BHASSEXPLORE was given his green socks by a friend whose son had abandoned them as he left the family home for University. This occurred on June the 21st this year and coincided with the summer solstice, the fledgling days of BHASSEXPLORE as a collective cooperative.
To showcase just what a group of environmentally conscious individuals can achieve when they focus and pool their abilities please don a pair of your snazziest, greenest, sockiest socks and snap yourself at your environmental endeavour.
Tag us @bhassexplore using #greensockmovement on the socials. Or send your pics by email to to add to our #greensockmovement hall of fame!