Support us
Your donations will help us to provide the clean-up team with items such as storm-proof
clothing, footwear, protective items, strong bags, gloves and other equipment to allow us to
beach clean safely such as hiring boats and vehicles. Donations will support
BHASSEXPLORE to highlight the impact plastics and human made materials is having on
our beautiful marine environment.
Your donation no matter how large or how small, will be gratefully received and carefully
utilised to clean up and enhance the beauty and knowledge of this coastal landscape for its
It is intended that the rubbish be recycled as much as possible and we are working with
artists to create artful pieces from the material we collect. Collaborations like this are in early
development, but there is so much we can do... Right now we just need to clear as much of
this shocking rubbish as possible, as safely as possible, tackling the build-up that has taken
place over more than fifty years, and preventing further build-up into the future.
BHASSEXPLORE will spend the next three years clearing plastics, synthetics, foams and polystyrenes, along with any other human-made trash and debris that accumulates on the ruggedly beautiful and environmentally sensitive coastline that stretches from the estuary at Cuckmere all the way around to Holywell at Eastbourne.
This iconic length of chalk and flint, rocky coastal terrain is the habitat to myriad fauna and flora and part of a marine ecosystem that is both fascinating and unique to this little corner of the British Isles, and is in a constant state of change and flux as tides come and go twice daily and weather systems, ranging from fierce to benign, perpetually roll along its length, approximately six miles long..... but what a six miles they are......
People we should thank...
Tea 23 john... liza brown... oliver of plastic free eastbourne... tanya jewl.... phil bodger... sabrina, danielle, carol, tracie, caroline mark and lizzie and brolin, nikki and adam and the many others who have freely and generously given their time and support both virtually on the internet and in reality too... and we thank Gibbs and Dandy, Tyler the foreman, the ferraris, fatty mark, danielle and glen, gary smith and others who have generously given financial or material donations and equipment to BHASSEXPLORE and adrian, sunny, john and jane, joelle and all the others that have helped bagged the shocking amount of decaying synthetic materials that pollute this iconic coastline... thank you all and apologies to anybody l have omitted... l will add you when l remember... but you know who you are...
Thank you from WarmNorm and BHASSEXPLORE and bhassexplore.com... and the environment...