The 6th Green Sock Movement 💚 #greensockmovement Marine Debris Boat Removal Operation Day was a great success... another 1.8 tonnes of plastic and synthetic materials where safely permanently removed from the incredible stretch of coastline beneath the cliffs of Beachy Head by 12 Green Sock Movement 💚 volunteers and with the fantastic help and assistance of the Maritime Voluntary Service crew members and their East Sussex 1 vessel... Approximately 11,ooo kilos of nasty harmful materials have now been collected bagged and removed from this most iconic location adjacent to the world famous Beachy Head Lighthouse and important Marine Conservation Zone by this method over the past three years since the environmental project was founded to clear this magnificent coastscape of as much fishing industry rope,ghost netting and other equipment as possible as well as all the general shipping debris and other plastic objects and junk that accumulated there over the past six decades... and in that time the extremely dedicated Green Sock volunteers have now removed a staggering 50 tonnes plus of plastic and synthetic materials from the East Sussex coastline and surrounding countryside between Eastbourne's pier and Brighton's marina... a totally shocking and staggering amount! And yet there is still so much more to do! To find out more about this remarkable environmental project and its activities please visit our bhassexplore Facebook page or the @bhass_explore Instagram account or view our #greensockmovement Rubbish Gallery page and Tiktok account .. we are making rubbish removed interesting on a world wide scale... using the amazing East Sussex coastline and beautiful surrounding countryside as our backdrop.... we are putting Eastbourne and East Sussex on the Global Environmental Map... to become part of this Global Environmental Movement and the local GEMs 💎 initiative please get in touch via our Gmail address on our website.... and to join us at any of our Extreme Beach Cleans or Wildlife Habitat Clear Ups.. just follow us on our social media pages for all the latest events and updates! It's that simple! Get your Green Socks on today and help make a difference for our planet 🌏 and all the living things we share it with! Let's all work TOGETHER wherever we live to help clear up all this mess! 💚💙💛💙💚
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