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Jewls and Warm Norm's Oceania was conceived

Writer's picture: Warm NormWarm Norm

Hello to all those who share our concerns about the environment and the incredibly unique masterpiece of a coastline that runs between Holywell in Eastbourne and the meanders of the estuary known as Cuckmere Haven.... please allow me to introduce you all to the newest member of the BHASSEXPLORE collective and the cooperative foundation that has been formed to clear literally tonnes of the shameful forty year plus build up of plastic trash and synthetic materials that proliferate along this six mile stretch of one of Britain's most iconically beautiful tidal marine environments..... Oceania the mermaid is an environmental art piece and collaboration created by Tanya Parsons... the creative force and multi talented artist.... Jewl... in conjunction with the conceptual, non mysterious non artist, nomranski aka WarmNorm of BHASSEXPLORE....

Jewl has worked over the last three months with the human made waste materials supplied and carried back from the remote location beneath the majestic chalk cliffs that tower over this region by namronski... or nomranski.... you choose.. after they have been selected from the three tonnes of decaying and rotting ropes, netting, foams, polystyrenes, fishing industry detritus, plastic wrappings and bottles and a myriad of other plastic and synthetic objects that have accumulated along this tough yet sensitive region over the past five decades or so , brought in from far and wide with ev ery tide and storm and deposited on the rocks and shingle beaches and in all the nooks and crannies that make up the amazing landscape we all know and hopefully.... love....

Jewl and nam nom ron ran ski skis collaboration represents just what a variety of 20th and 21st century garbage silently settles all around our coasts and the grim harvest that so slowly degrades and.... breaking down to ever smaller pieces... returns to cause its well documented harm to all the creatures of the oceans... returning slowly over hundreds of years ... breaking down under exposure to high levels of UV light and near freezing temperatures... relentless wind and salt water wave action and pounding by rocks and pebbles as it lays there, year upon year... untouched or collected in its dangerously remote resting places by any of the agencies charged with the conservation and care of this place... left to accumulate and deteriorate quietly in such an unbelievably awe inspiring location.... a location that has an incredible story to share... that has played an incredible role in history of nature... this island nation and of human development in the northern hemisphere....and so much more will be revealed ss BHASSEXPLORE and its collective of environmentally conscious individuals work together to clear the embarrassing mess thst is the result of decades of our reliance on upon these materials and the sheer folly of the throw away society.... and created to drew further attention to these issues and question all our parts played in this sorry tale... conceptualised by namronski as he work alongside those who had given their time and labours freely and those who helped on the internet or with word of mouth or by generously donating funds or/and equipment.... created by Jewl in her home as she learned of the rigors and techniques endured and required to upcycle and repurpose these abrasive weathered synthetics into a artwork of intriguingly impressive design and stature to convey a message to us all that beauty and care and love can be born from any negative situation...

l go on as it brings emotions up as l remember Jewls struggles with why this environmentalist kept bring more and more of the flotsam and jetsom BHASSEXPLORE had gleaned of this woeful harvest to her door... yet her resolve and love of our planet won over her doubts and frustrations and the entangled mess in her living room steadily transform... reborn into the mermaid that is Oceania... a life sized creature of the seas, revived by patient work and experimentation and continuously encouraged by nimnomnamski and WarmNorm that it was all worth while and that it would all make sense and that it was a fantastic effort and great piece of original and unique collaborative environmental art that would both interest and inform many people on many levels and draw attention of thousands to both her work and the work of BHASSEXPLORE and.... more importantly.. to the plight of the environment and just what a focused and determined collective can achieve by hard work from good people pooling their skills and positive energies no matter how daunting or difficult a task lays before them.... no matter what the issue is that vexs them....

BHASSEXPLORE and Jewls endeavours have attempted to provide some solutions and insights into difficult issues and we... as a team hope that you will be open to receiving Oceania as she is intended.... as a portal to a fresh wsy of looking at how we can.... if we wish... be part of a response to the problems that plague our existence.... no matter what they may be.. environmental or socially, politically or economically.... all the countless obstacles we all encounter as we work our way through the mazes of every day life... lets look to Oceania as a prompt to kinder and more environmentally conscious actions and activities and thank Jewl for her open free creativity and BHASSEXPLORE" s members and supporters for their work... so far...

Jewls work can be viewed on her social media site.... Paint Hearted and she can be contacted on Facebook... she needs help and support developing her website to further exhibit her work that covers many topics and mediums... BHASSEXPLORE is working to grow a art from trash collective and can be contacted via a gmail account on their website address... WarmNorm and the collective will be working hard for the next three years to remove as much plastic trash as humanly possible from beneath the cliffs... there are many tonnes to be collected and sorted and securely bagged and removed by boat as and when conditions allow... please consider how you can help BHASSEXPLORE in this extremely difficult task.... we hope to clear and then prevent further build up of artificial materials along this coast and give an example of what can be safely done in such an environment... its Beachy Head And Seven Sisters Extreme Plastic Objects Removal but as a cooperative we affiliate with all groups and individuals who do good work...

Many thanks for reading this... one of the longest sentences l have ever written.... and peace... WarmNorm

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